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And we're back!

I kind of abandoned the blog throughout the past year since, well, I wasn't in South Korea any more. However, that's soon to change. I'll be back there in a little over a week! BUT - first things first: I had to go visit some friends I met while in Korea last year, so please forgive a few non-Korea related posts.

Last weekend, I visited my dear friend Alejandra in San Diego. Full disclosure: it's a top contender for the most perfect weather I've ever encountered. We had a lot of fun being touristy and just being together after almost a year apart.

Just me, Alejandra, and some dude with a fishing pole. 

We took a ferry from Coronado Island the next day, but it was much prettier at night. We also explored some other places around San Diego on Saturday.

La Jolla (pronounced "hoya") Cove

The beach at La Jolla - if you look closely, you can see sea lions.

Balboa Park was so pretty to walk around! I love the hacienda style architecture.

The next day, I went with her whole family into Mexico - my first time in the country - for Fathers' Day. The first thing we did was go straight to a tiny town called Puerto Nuevo for fresh lobster. I love this family's priorities. :) Since we were right by the sea and the breeze was a bit chilly on the patio, the restaurant brought Alejandra and I some sarapes to wrap around our shoulders and legs.

Alejandra immediately volunteered me to get the "traditional" one.

And now, we feast! That's (clockwise from top), clams w/ tomatoes and cheese, seafood quesadilla, rice, lobster claws, spicy shrimp, fried shrimp, fried fish, seasoned squid, fresh guacamole, frijoles (beans), and lobsters in the middle! Yep, we sure did clean the plates.

Alejandra, me, her mother Leticia, and her brother Arturo. Her dad took the picture.

We ate, then laughed, then ate and laughed some more. At first they were going to make me order everything in Spanish - which I do not speak - but somehow they forgot when the menus were brought out, and you know I kept my mouth shut. Phew.

Then we drove through the mountains to Ensenada to walk around and get some smoked fish Alejandra's dad loves. Someone offered us a good deal to take a boat ride, so we did. There were so many sea lions! I liked this guy:

I don't know if you can tell, but he's totally asleep.

The next day I had some time before my flight, so as we were walking around a shopping area, we spotted a photo booth - a must for the both of us. However, we were too slow to pick a theme for the pictures, when all of a sudden it chose for us and was telling us to pose. We just started posing like crazy, wondering what would be the background for our pictures. Hmmm...needless to say, it wasn't our first choice, so we did it again and picked faster, but see if you can tell which one we did NOT choose:


After that, we got real mexican tacos and watched the US beat Ghana in the World Cup. Both were satisfying.

It was just a short weekend trip, emphasis on the SHORT (entirely too short!), but filled with such fun times that I can't wait to go back. But I've got to get ready for my next trip...to Hong Kong! I'm leaving this weekend, so I'll update soon with more adventures.

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SSS said...

Dorthy, that is so neat that you have all those neat friends from all over the country. It's so neat that you can go stay with and meet their families. You are having so many neat adventures! I can't wait to see all the fun times you will have in Hong Kong and Korea!

MoM said...

Love all the pictures but the one of the coast is one of my favorites. The food looks so good that it makes me want some and I just finished eating! Can't wait to see what you do in Hong Kong!

Unknown said...

I absolutely love that you are having so much fun :) I am going to enjoy reading your posts. We love you!

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