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Last day in HK - The Peak, the park, and a chicken head

My last full day in Hong Kong was started by going to The Peak. We rode up another tram, but this one went up tracks instead of being suspended. It was so steep! It felt like we were going up in a roller coaster, but it was an enclosed train car. I felt like I should have my hands up in the air.

Not the best view...

Much better!

There were a couple viewing points at the top by the shopping center/restaurants, but to get a better view, there was a short hiking loop, not quite a mile, through some woods.

A waterfall just appeared. We didn't see it coming until we were close up. It continued below the bridge.

Nice paved trail, perfect for strolling.

It was beautiful walking through the woods, although there was an occasional spiderweb to avoid. Then, through a wide opening in the trees, we saw this:

We took a bus back down and stopped for more dim sum for lunch. Because we could.

From top left: braised cabbage/lettuce? in cream sauce, soft tofu with dried pork and preserved egg, and then seasoned meat/grain filling you stuff into the bread pockets. We also had noodles with the best fish I've ever had. There wasn't a specific translation for it, but it was crispy/crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside. I want it. Now.

After lunch, we needed to walk some of it off, so we went to nearby Victoria Park, where we walked and swung on swings that I was too tall for - my feet would skim the ground unless I would lift them up. And then there's this little gem: walking paths with stones that are supposed to be good for your health if you walk barefoot. The first few steps I thought, Hmmm, not too bad and it's good for my health. I could do this for a while. Until about the 4th or 5th step...I sure did hop off. Sorry, health.

I took the road less traveled...and it hurt, man! Not cool, Robert Frost.*
(*reference from Kid President - Pep Talk. Look up on youtube)

On our way out the park, we heard some motor noises, turned and saw this awesomeness:

Look hard, it's a little boat!

So fast!

It was a little pond just for motorized toy boats. One side was for slow boats, one for fast. So. Great.

On the way to dinner that night with Michelle's parents, the taxi stopped next to this:

For you, Milan! It's a Fiat Cafe, whatever that is.

Dinner was really delicious. We had several dishes, but these were my favorites:

A special roasted chicken - what chicken is supposed to taste like. Yes, that's a chicken head.

Pen shells with garlic and noodles. They were longer than my hand.

I had such a fun time in Hong Kong with Michelle, and was so sad to see it end. If you're thinking about going to Hong Kong ever - do it. And eat everything. That's the best part. ;)

Bye Hong Kong. Hope to see you soon!

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MoM said...

Once again the pictures are amazing!!! The toy boats looked fun to watch--all your nieces and nephews would love them! So did you eat the chicken head to go with your chicken feet?

SSS said...

Oh, I forgot to say in the previous post that I love the titles of all your posts! Kid President-Holla! Please don't tell me you ate that chicken head! That is such a great picture at the end! And I would love all that food-except the chicken parts!

Unknown said...

Nobody ate the chicken head. For the record.

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