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I'm here!

I've arrived in Seoul! A little worse for the wear - or just straight up gross - but I made it through the airport and on the bus and to my hotel pretty easy. I was surprised how much the drive between the airport and Seoul city reminded me of parts of Alabama, with it's rolling green hills:

Here's me on the bus:
Yup, pretty jacked-up. Thank you, shadows, for covering up the sweatiness and grime.

My hotel was an easy walk from the bus stop. It's called the Chocolate Tree, and it's small but cozy:

I couldn't get a good shot of the bathroom, which is behind that glass door. It's not much to see, but just glad I have one. You have to turn on the sink and turn a knob in order to use the shower head. 

I would write more, but I'm jet-lagged like crazy right now. I think I've been awake for over 24 hours, and it's only 10:15pm here. Imma going to bed now.

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MoM said...

Having a hard time adjusting to that small of a bed? But then it is only a place to rest your head in between tours. How was breakfast?

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