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Leaving Korea...ㅠㅠ

The whole last few days on Korea were too full of goodbyes for me to want to think about right now. I'm feeling a bit heartsick over it at the moment, is all. Just know that I've discovered 2 sucky ways to say goodbye to good friends, and I recommend neither of them. Here are some instructions if you don't believe me:

1. Go to a really fun concert, then have to get off the subway before your friends and watch them ride away as the subway takes off again. Feel like crap. In that order.
2. Go to the airport with a couple good friends, have fun at crazy airport theme cafes, acting like you don't know you have to get on different planes to completely different destinations in minutes, and watch your friend walk on to their plane. Spend a few more hours by yourself until your plane takes off. Feel like crap. In that order.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Michelle, Alejandra and I all had flights the same afternoon, so we all trekked through the streets of Seoul to catch the airport bus near Hyundai Department Store. Or at least we tried, until we couldn't take our luggage any further and got a cab. To the bus stop. Don't judge us, it was the best 2400 won I ever spent. I'd like to add that I talked to the taxi ajusshi all in Korean. AND he understood me. Boom. Congratulate me now. 

Alejandra and I found a Charlie Brown cafe in the terminal, so we had to do one more cute thing together in Korea. 

Oh, Incheon airport, you were the easiest foreign airport I've ever navigated, and you have to have cute shops and yummy food conveniently sprinkled throughout both departures and arrivals? Did you mean to make me love you so much on purpose?

Aleh, you are now, and forever remain the best selca taker EVAR.

The Charlie Brown cafe was close to the Hello Kitty cafe. Korean people, how do you ever choose between all the cute, even at the airport?

After Alejandra left, I wandered around until my plane took off. Funny story: after landing in Salt Lake, I was waiting for my luggage at the carousel when I looked to my left, and Mitt Romney was standing 5 feet away from me. I quietly said, "Nice to meet you, sir," and he graciously shook my hand, but it wasn't until hours later that I realized I bowed to him as I did it, since I was still in full-on Korean mode. Oops. Awkward.

I leave you with this picture I took in Myungdong a couple days before I left, which perfectly sums up my feelings about leaving my friends and leaving Korea:

The saddest Mario in the world...

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MoM said...

Ooh,that is such a sad blog--even with the cute Charlie Brown Cafe and Hello,Kitty Cafe! Made me want to cry. However, who knew that you would still get to be with Snoopy in Korea! He is just suppose to be a part of your life!

SSS said...

Those are such neat experiences that you will never forget! You are so fortunate to be able to have those experiences! I'm so glad for you, Dorthy! I love all those cafes!

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